In his maiden address to council, Toronto Mayor John Tory vowed to put an end to the "division that has paralyzed city hall" for years.

Tory, who was elected Toronto's 65th mayor more than a month ago, presided over his first meeting Tuesday after being presented with the mayor's chain of office.

"Five weeks ago, voters asked their elected officials to get to work on the priorities that matter to them," said Tory, wearing his late father’s tie. "Better transit, better housing, more jobs … an end to the division that has paralyzed city hall in the last few years."

Tory took command from former mayor Rob Ford, who was also in attendance Tuesday.

Ford opted not to run for re-election as mayor after receiving a cancer diagnosis earlier this fall. Instead, Ford was elected to represent Ward 2 Etobicoke North as city councillor.

Tory thanked his predecessor for his continued public service, and moved a symbolic motion wishing him a speedy recovery.

As a parting gift, Ford left a vintage TTC poster in the mayoral office with a message to Tory: "John, Best wishes! Rob Ford."

Tory's 'mystery guests' revealed

Every new mayor is asked to bring a guest or guests to their first city council meeting, which is largely ceremonial.

Tory invited anti-violence advocate Louise Russo and former Ontario premier William Davis to be his guests at the event.

In 2004, Russo was hit by a stray bullet during a drive-by shooting. Her spine was shattered, and she was left paralyzed.

The incident inspired her to create the charity WAVE (Working Against Violence Everyday), which aims to inspire Toronto residents to stand up against violence.

Tory has been friends with Russo since the shooting.

Davis was the premier of Ontario from 1971 to 1985. Tory was Davis' chief of staff during that time. When Davis retired, he was made a Companion of the Order of Canada.

Tory fueled speculation about his choice when he told reporters he wouldn't be following in former mayor Rob Ford's footsteps.

"No offence at all, but it will not be (Don) Cherry," Tory said with a smile the day after he was elected.

Cherry was at City Hall for Ford's 2010 swearing-in, and made headlines when he lashed out at "pinkos out there who ride bicycles and everything."