Municipal leaders from across the GTA gathered at city hall Thursday to share new emission-reducing ideas.

Politicians at the 8th annual Smog Summit announced new initiatives to reduce smog, air pollution and greenhouse gases.

Mayor David Miller and other municipal heads also signed a declaration vowing to continue the fight for cleaner air.

"The best work on air quality and smog tends to be from municipalities," said Toronto Councillor Gord Perks.

Perks said that the yearly summit is an opportunity for government leaders to learn what other cities are doing to fight climate change.

"What happens here at the summit is one town does one thing, they come here and they share it with us then a lot of other municipalities pick it up. That really works."

Federal and provincial ministers with portfolios relevant to the pollution issue were also on-hand.

Laurel Broten, the province's environment minister, told the summit Ontario will release a new climate change plan, but wouldn't say when.

Provincial NDP and environment critic Peter Tabuns said the announcement had no substance.

"What were getting from the minister is just a lead-up to a pre-election announcement. We don't know how substantial it's going to be," Tabuns said.

"What she announced today is pretty minor, pretty inconsequential."

Eva Ligeti of the Clean Air Partnership, the event's organizer, said that policies in cities across the GTA are helping to reduce pollution.

"Things like bike racks on buses, like 50 cent rides to the go train make it easier for the public to participate," Ligeti said.

"It's going to take awhile but I think that the momentum is there now."

With a report from CTV's Desmond Brown