The City of Toronto is looking at changing some parking spaces on streets into spaces for users of car share programs.

"We're looking at the possibility of providing a number of spaces in streets in the downtown area," said Ron Hamilton, the city's supervisor in traffic engineering.

"The expectation is that by providing car share -- accessible car share -- that people can get to it and will use it as opposed to having to purchase a car," he said.

A pilot project is being considered for a number of streets, including Melinda Street near King and Yonge Streets. But first, the city needs to see if the idea is legally viable and if it's cost effective.

The city is also looking at changing bylaws to allow a section of condominiums parking lots to be designated for companies such as Zip Car and Auto Share. Those companies would park their cars there and people who live in the condo who are registered with the company would be able to drive them.

Auto Share currently has 7,000 people using their car service.

Kevin McLaughlin, the president of Auto Share, said the city is doing a good thing for the environment and for the people by making it easier for them to do their part.

"If we can put (Auto Share) cars into new condos, people are going to change their life when they move in kicking the car habit is one thing they can do to change their life," he said.

The city is keeping a close eye on similar projects that have had success in Washington, Portland and Vancouver for ideas on how to make it work here in Toronto.

With a report from CTV Toronto's Naomi Parness