TORONTO - The Progressive Conservatives are demanding to know why the OPP diverted funds from the province's sex offender registry to other policing matters.

A leaked portion of Auditor General James McCarter's annual report says some of the $4 million annual budget for the sex offender registry was spent elsewhere.

Premier Dalton McGuinty told the legislature he had heard about the leak and is concerned, but didn't want to comment until the auditor tables his report today.

Opposition Leader Bob Runciman demanded to know how much of the money was spent in other areas, and what role the government had to play in that decision.

He doubts the OPP would spend money meant for the sex offender registry on other programs without government approval.

He suggested the police diverted some of the money to pay for policing the nearly two-year-old aboriginal occupation of a disputed housing development in Caledonia.