Protesters in the Occupy Toronto movement marched back to St. James Park on Sunday afternoon after spending about an hour at Yonge-Dundas Square.

About 250 activists marched down Jarvis Street towards Queen Street from their tents at St. James Park at King Street East and Church Street at about 3:30 p.m. after holding a general assembly.

Toronto police were keeping the marchers in the northbound lanes of the street.

Another general assembly was planned for 6 p.m. at the park.

On Saturday, the protesters marched from King and York Streets to the park at 10 a.m. where many set up tents to sleep in overnight. Organizers also pitched larger tents for a media centre, food, a library and a logistics centre.

The chanting activists carried signs and banners, some wore masks. The protesters say they are against corporate greed and social inequality.

One protester who spent the night in the Toronto park said the activists are concentrating on plans for a demonstration set to take place when the financial district opens on Monday.

"We plan to make a very large statement," said Niko Salassidis, 20, who set up the Occupy Toronto Facebook group.

The movement has become a world-wide event since its beginning on Wall Street in New York City a month ago. The rallies have spread to other U.S. cities and the globe, including here in Canada.

The movement in Toronto has stayed peaceful and police said there were no arrests overnight at the park.