OTTAWA - A bid by Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. to build two nuclear reactors in Ontario may not be such a slam dunk after all.

A government document shows Canada's nuclear-safety watchdog is quietly seeking expertise in the kind of reactors used by AECL's competitors.

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission is in the early stages of hiring experts to ready it for potential licence applications from firms that make light-water reactors.

In other words, companies that aren't Crown-owned AECL, which makes heavy-water reactors.

Its two main competitors -- France's Areva Group and the U.S. firm Westinghouse Electric Co. -- make light-water reactors.

The Ontario government is expected to pick a company by summer.


A bid by Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. to build two nuclear reactors in Ontario may not be such a slam dunk after all.

A government document shows Canada's nuclear-safety watchdog is quietly seeking expertise in the kind of reactors used by AECL's competitors.

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission is in the early stages of hiring experts to ready it for potential licence applications from firms that make light-water reactors.

In other words, companies that aren't Crown-owned AECL, which makes heavy-water reactors.

Its two main competitors -- France's Areva Group and the U.S. firm Westinghouse Electric Co. -- make light-water reactors.

The Ontario government is expected to pick a company by summer.