Ontario's Premier Dalton McGuinty is about to announce a mini-cabinet shuffle, making Windsor MPP Sandra Pupatello his economic development and small business minister.

She replaces Toronto MPP Michael Bryant, who left politics to head Investment Toronto, an agency designed to attract more investment to the city. Pupatello had been trade minister, but those duties will be merged into her new job.

McGuinty is expected to hold a press conference on the shuffle Wednesday morning.

Here are some other moves:

  • John Milloy - Stays as training, colleges and universities minister and adds research and innovation
  • John Wilkinson - Minister of revenue (had been research minister). Also minister overseeing implementation of Harmonized Sales Tax
  • Harinder Takhar - Government services minister (had been consumer services minister)
  • Ted McMeekin - Consumer services minister (had been government services minister)
  • Michael Gravelle - Remains as northern development and mines minister and adds forestry

Perhapes the biggest news is who didn't get shuffled.

Health Minister David Caplan is remaining in his portfolio.

The opposition has been howling for his head over the spending scandals at eHealth Ontario, the agency charged with developing an electronic medical records system for the province.

Two top officials at that agency -- CEO Sarah Kramer and chair Dr. Alan Hudson -- resigned after allegations of contractors getting rich, sole-sourced contracts emerged.

However, at a news conference last week, McGuinty said he didn't blame Caplan for problems at the agency, saying it could have happened at any such arm's-length body.

With files from CTV Toronto's Paul Bliss