Toronto council rejected a settlement on Thursday to change a bylaw restricting shooting ranges in the Toronto area.

A report from the city's solicitor was before council seeking direction on whether to settle an appeal of its 2008 zoning bylaw banning shooting ranges. The appeal is currently before the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB).

The Canadian Shooting Sports Association, as well as a group believed to be the Movie Armaments Group, earlier appealed the bylaw to the OMB. The groups offered to settle the issue with the solicitor ahead of a pre-hearing in February.

But council voted down the settlement report 34 to 6 Thursday, sending the report to the OMB.

Councillor Peter Milczyn, chairman of the Planning and Growth Management Committee was not immediately available for comment. However, in a release earlier in the day the councillor said he was in support of the existing bylaw.

However, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford said he supports people going to shooting ranges in industrial parts of the city, but did not provide further details on the future of the report.

While Coun. Adam Vaughan said council had a good argument to convince the OMB to rule against the report.

The report remains confidential.