For the fourth consecutive day, the CN Tower remains shuttered due to a risk of falling ice.

The downtown tourist attraction first closed on Monday after large chunks of ice were spotted dropping from the structure onto concrete and buildings below.

Many spots around the CN Tower have been taped off and police are asking pedestrians to avoid the area.

“In discussion with the CN Tower, as it stands right now we are going to continue to keep things locked down until further assessment,” Sgt. Chris McCann said Thursday.

“The potential for danger is very serious and we want everyone to remain out of the area.”

McCann said they will reassess the situation this afternoon.

“Obviously the temperature plays a large factor. If it starts to warm up, obviously that ice is going to melt,” he said.

“It is constantly being monitored.”

Tom Mellon, the director of operations at the CN Tower, told CP24 Wednesday that the tower has sustained some damage, including broken windows, as a result of the ice.

The falling ice has impacted many residents in the area and neighbouring businesses, including Ripley’s Aquarium, which has been also been forced to close.

A Blue Jays game was postponed on Monday night after a large piece of ice fell from the tower and pierced a hole in the roof of the nearby Rogers Centre.

The venue has closed Gates 1 through 6 as a safety precaution.

The Rec Room and Steam Whistle’s retail store were also closed on Wednesday and it is unclear if they will be able to reopen today.