A Quebec group is keeping an eye on a campaign to put atheist ads in Toronto's transit system.

The Freethought Association of Canada hopes to raise enough money to place ads on Toronto city buses that say: "There is probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."

Guilliaume Loignon, a spokesman for the Centre for Inquiry in Montreal, says there could be conversations about Toronto's concept if it works well.

He says it would be an alternative for non-believers in Montreal since there are lots of publicity campaigns run by religious organizations in Quebec.

In Toronto, organizer Katie Kish says she hopes the message will spark discussion while countering the notion that atheists and agnostics are negative people.

The group has launched, a website through which they hope to collect between $6,000 and $7,000 to purchase the bus ads in the spring.

Kish says the ad has been submitted for approval to the firm that handles advertising for the Toronto Transit Commission.

The Toronto group is planning to use the slogan from the original campaign that started in the United Kingdom.

The British brainchild behind the ads says she's pleased that the message could soon spread to Canada.

Ariane Sherine started the campaign after noticing ads on London buses that led curious readers to a website that suggested non-Christians would spend eternity in hell.

Initially, Sherine hoped to raise enough money to post ads on 30 buses in London. The campaign received enough donations to buy ads on 800 buses across the U.K.