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Video shows raccoon wandering around Scarborough McDonalds


Footage has surfaced on social media of a raccoon milling about the dining room of a McDonalds restaurant in Scarborough over the weekend.

In the roughly one-minute of footage uploaded to Tik Tok, the critter can be seen waddling throughout the restaurant’s dining room area, stopping to sniff at least one man’s shoes.

That customer then appears to greet the raccoon while at least one person elsewhere in the restaurant is heard saying “get him a burger.”

Later in the video, a staff member is seen trying to remove the raccoon from underneath a table using a broom.

The person who took the video, Amine Hadji, told CTV News Toronto that the incident occurred at the McDonalds location at Parkway Mall, which is near Victoria Park and Ellesmere avenues.

Since first being posted on Sunday, the video has gone viral and garnered more than 800 comments.

A raccoon was seen wandering around Parkway Mall in Scarborough on March 10. (Amine Hadji/TikTok)

It’s not the first time a racoon was spotted casually strolling inside a Toronto business.

In April, another video showing a racoon milling about the cash registers at a Dupont Avenue Loblaws also went viral.

Two months later, Toronto Animal Services (TAS) issued a warning to residents to avoid physical contact with raccoons and other wild animals amid a “significant increase” in the number of sick and injured raccoons around the city.

CP24 has reached out to McDonalds Canada for comment but has not yet received a response. Top Stories

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