A 71-year-old man who was the subject of a British documentary entitled "The Conman with 14 Wives" was arrested in Toronto on Thursday and charged with bigamy.

Police allege Oliver Killeen is married to women in Ontario, Ireland and England and that he has never obtained a legal divorce for any of his marriages.

Toronto police Det. Rob Ermacora alleged that Killeen is married to "numerous" women but declined to give an exact number, citing the ongoing investigation.

Ermacora said the first marriages allegedly occurred in the 1970s, and he urged women who have been involved with Killeen to come forward.

In June 2004, Killeen was sentenced to three years in a British jail for bigamy and was subsequently deported to Canada.

In an interview with the Daily Mail newspaper in 2006, Killeen commented on his relationships with several women.

"I gave women what they wanted. If they were foolish enough to marry me within a few weeks of meeting me that was up to them. They should have asked more questions," Killeen was quoted as saying.

"Conning women is easy. I studied psychology and behaviour patterns. I presented myself as a dashing, suave sort of guy and women fell for it."