TORONTO - Almost 11,000 drivers were ticketed for not buckling up during the Ontario Provincial Police spring seatbelt blitz.

More than 1.24 million vehicles were checked on highways patrolled by the OPP during the week and a half long initiative.

Four people died as a result of not wearing seatbelts during the campaign, which began on April 16.

Police also laid almost 4,900 charges against passengers for not buckling up and 274 drivers for not having a probably installed child seat.

Last year, 117 people were killed on roads patrolled by the OPP as a result of not wearing seatbelts -- almost 15 per cent more than in 2006.

So far in 2008, 27 people not wearing seatbelts have died on OPP-patrolled roads, a drop of almost 30 per cent over the same time last year.