TORONTO -- A 34-year-old man has been charged in after a noose was found inside a construction site on the campus of Michael Garron Hospital in Toronto’s East York area last spring.

Sometime after the end of the work day on Tuesday, June 9, 2020, two nooses were tied to equipment inside a construction site on the campus of Michael Garron Hospital, in the Coxwell and Sammon avenues area.

Two Black construction workers located the noose the next day and called police.

Two other incidents involving nooses at the site were reported to police later in the summer.

At the time, investigators said the site where the noose was found was not accessible to the public and surveillance cameras were active in the vicinity.

On Friday, police arrested a suspect in relation to the nooses.

He was identified as Jason Lahay of Toronto.

He was charged with mischief – interrupt property over $5,000 and three counts of criminal harassment.

Lahay will appear in court at College Park on Jan. 13, 2021.