DANA POINT, Calif. - Hundreds of surfers and rowers have honoured Hobie Alter's request by paddling out in the Pacific in his memory.

Alter, who died in March at age 80, revolutionized surfing by developing the foam surfboard that was lightweight and manoeuvrable. He was also credited with bringing masses to the water with his "Hobie Cat" sailboat.

On Friday, the Orange County Register reports his family released bowls filled with soil brought from Hawaii, ocean water and sand from Waikiki Beach and rock salt.

During the paddle-out ceremony, surfers splashed water to the sky. The Orange County Harbor Patrol boat sprayed water, creating a rainbow.

Alter was memorialized on Huntington Beach's Surfing Walk of Fame in 1997 and enshrined in the National Sailing Hall of Fame in 2011.