A Moncton, N.B. man's ad for a snowblower hit the Internet with the force of a February Nor'Easter, going viral and netting him not only a sale, but job and date offers.

Weh-Ming Cho's 900-word manifesto on the attributes of his snowblower – a "machine of snow doom that will cut a 29-inch path of pure ecstasy" – has been viewed about 360,000 times in less than a week.

He posted the ad Wednesday on the classified ad website Kijiji, hoping to score a prospective buyer who may have once "wanted to murder that neighbour with the snowblower who was finished and on his second beer while you were still trying to throw snow over a snowbank taller than you are."

In a Sunday blog post entitled "The Snowblower that Ate the Internet: SOLD" -- Weh-Ming wrote that he had received the following since the ad went viral:

  • 1,400 emails
  • Job offers
  • Requests for dates
  • Request for ad writing advice
  • Marriage proposals
  • Emails saying he was a scam artist
  • And a ‘few actual offers to buy my snowblower'

Weh-Ming sold the snowblower to Moncton journalist Alec Bruce for $900, who he liked because his offer included "full sentences, with grammar and spelling and everything.

Weh-Ming noted one line in Bruce's offer stood out.

"As a professional writer, I think we writer guys ought to stick together on matters of snow jobs!" Bruce wrote.

Weh-Ming -- who is not a professional writer, but a "data guy" – said he was flattered that a professional thought he was a writer.

"I may have done a little victory dance around the room," he wrote.

Weh-Ming had been planning on selling the snowblower for some time, but he said his wife told him he had to do it last week.

Weh-Ming told CTV Atlantic he actually had a different ad up on Kijiji but his wife's request spurred him on to make his new ad stand out.

"I wanted to kind of set my ad apart if I could, and I really did that better than I thought could," he said last Friday, standing outside his home with a fresh coat of snow on his lawn.

Kijiji's record for most-viewed ad had about 500,000 views.