TORONTO - Toronto FC is taking its first steps towards finding a new general manager.

Tom Anselmi, the executive at Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment in charge of the MLS club, said Wednesday the search for the fired Mo Johnston's replacement is just getting underway and he's getting some help.

"It's just really getting the process started right now," said Anselmi. "We're talking to a handful of, I don't want to call them consultants, but people that will help us in the search, provide either contacts or points of view, that kind of thing.

"They'll help us develop the criteria and find the candidates that satisfy those criteria."

Johnston and head coach Predrag (Preki) Radosavljevic were fired Sept. 14 in a housecleaning at the underperforming club. Earl Cochrane, manager of team operations, took over on an interim basis for Johnston, while assistant Nick Dasovic was appointed interim head coach.

The changes were made in the hopes the four-year-old franchise can turn around its troubles and qualify for its first playoff spot. That hasn't happened, and the 8-12-7 side is closing in on another failed campaign.

Anselmi said the search process for a new GM has no deadline.

"Sooner the better," he said. "It's going to take a couple of months, we're going to get the right person, as opposed to it be just about a timeline."