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Police warn residents of increase in pizza delivery scams

Police warn residents to be vigilant after a series of pizza delivery scams (Pexels). Police warn residents to be vigilant after a series of pizza delivery scams (Pexels).

York police say there’s been a recent increase in pizza delivery fraud scams in the region and are urging residents to be vigilant when making credit or debit transactions.

Police say scammers typically work in pairs. One suspect approaches a victim posing as someone who ordered a pizza, but only has cash to pay for it, while a second suspect poses as a delivery driver that doesn’t accept cash.

“The first suspect will ask the victim for help, saying that the delivery person only accepts debit cards and will not take cash,” police said in a Monday press release.

“The suspect tells the victim they only have cash on hand, but will give it to the victim if they will do them a favour and pay the delivery person with their debit card.”

When the victim agrees, police say the first suspect posing as a customer gives the victim cash while the second suspect posing as a delivery driver presents the victim with “a rigged point-of-sale terminal that records the personal identification number (PIN).”

“At the end of the transaction, a fake, similar-looking card is given back to the unsuspecting victim,” the press release reads.

“The suspects then use the victim’s real card and PIN to make cash withdrawals and/or purchases.”

A similar scam was reported in Mississauga earlier this month, when a woman said she was defrauded of $2,400 by a fake Domino’s delivery driver.

Police are asking the public to be aware of these types of scams and to take steps to protect themselves, such as being vigilant during debit and credit transactions.

“Remember that legitimate delivery services accept cash, so if someone tries to convince you otherwise it could be a scam,” police say.

“If you think you may be a victim of debit card fraud, contact your bank immediately.” Top Stories

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