Toronto police believe they may have located a man and woman related to Angelica Leslie, an 8-month-old baby found abandoned in a stairwell in January.

DNA tests are being done to determine if the man could be the child's father, CTV Toronto has learned.

The development has prompted authorities to ask the courts for a month-long delay in having the child declared a Crown ward while they investigate the "person of interest."

By having Angelica declared a ward of the Crown, the Children's Aid Society would be able to proceed with having the child formally adopted.

More than 80 families have come forward offering to adopt Angelica since she was discovered in a cold, cement stairwell outside a plaza at Leslie Street and Finch Avenue. 

A security video showed someone pulling up to the stairwell and then driving off in a green-coloured car.

Toronto police Det. Keith Moxley, with Toronto police 33 Division, said he's not sure what the exact connection is between the child and the woman.

"In the number of people that we are looking at, there is a possibility that some of them could be kin," he said. "I wouldn't go so far as to say (that one of them could be the child's mother) but that is a possibility."

Police revealed few details about the people being investigated. All they would say is that they live somewhere in Ontario.

Moxley said the case is unusual because of the child's age. He said people from the community should have recognized her picture or noticed the child missing from the neighbourhood.

"Here we have an 8-month-old baby where you'd think if they had been in any community for that long, someone would stand up and say, 'hey that's my neighbour, I recognize her from living down the street."

Melanie Persaud, with the CAS, told reporters Wednesday morning it was their legal obligation to probe links to relatives.

"We are legally expected to investigate all plans that could come from a kin provider so if there is a kin provider out there, at the very least we're going to get medical and social history which as you know is critically important to this little girl," she said.

Even if Angelica's mother is located, officials say it would be highly unlikely the child would ever be returned to her.

Doctors estimate Angelica is now about 11 months old. Authorities with the CAS says she has been doing very well under foster care.

With a report from CTV Toronto's Janice Golding