TORONTO - Premier Dalton McGuinty is trying to quash a controversy surrounding a tweet posted by one of his cabinet ministers calling Conservative politicians -- including Prime Minister Stephen Harper -- bigots.

Innovation Minister Glen Murray issued a qualified apology Monday for tweeting that Harper, Ontario Opposition Leader Tim Hudak and Toronto Mayor-elect Rob Ford were bigots.

An enraged Hudak said it wasn't an apology at all because Murray again called on him to condemn homophobic actions by others during Toronto's mayoral campaign.

However, McGuinty says Murray's apology was sincere.

He says people are taking things too far when they start parsing an apology, adding this is one of those times when a minister makes a comment that they soon regret.

The Tories say if McGuinty wants the story to die, he should be ask Murray to issue an unqualified apology for his tweet.