TORONTO - Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak wants to revive the idea of building a new highway linking the Niagara area with Hamilton.

The idea of a mid-peninsula highway was shelved last summer after a Ministry of Transportation study said the four-lane expressway won't be needed for at least 20 years.

But Hudak, who represents Niagara West-Glanbrook, says that's the wrong decision, so the Tories would move forward with the new highway if they win this fall's provincial election.

He says a mid-peninsula highway from the QEW in Fort Erie going west towards the Hamilton airport would be "the biggest investment in job creation in generations."

Hudak says if Ontario doesn't invest in highway infrastructure, it's not going to attract the jobs it should.

The New Democrats wonder where Hudak would find the money to build the new highway, which was estimated to be $1.3 billion 10 years ago.