TORONTO - Ontario's environment minister is under attack from neighbours over plans to build a two-storey garage.

A complaint was filed with the Ontario Municipal Board arguing the garage would dwarf neighbouring properties and could damage a large tree.

But Laurel Broten says the plans call for the garage to be built without harming that tree.

Broten says her family has four cars - a hybrid, a fuel-efficient SUV and two sports cars belonging to her husband.

Opposition critics say Broten has a right to own those cars and the big garage, but might have a problem explaining her plans to voters.

New Democrat critic Peter Tabuns says he takes bigger issue with Broten's inaction on several environmental issues, like failing to protect local water sources.

"There's all kinds of things that this minister has let go through that are monumental and huge and so if she has four cars ... that's small potatoes in a larger picture of dereliction of duty,'' he said.

Conservative critic Tim Hudak says Broten and Premier Dalton McGuinty are guilty of promoting green causes but not following through themselves.

"Here's a guy who's preaching about conserving energy and he takes short-flight hops from Toronto to Hamilton, Toronto to Niagara, Toronto to Peterborough, and you can't blame Laurel Broten, she's just following Dalton McGuinty's example,'' Hudak said.

"It's awfully hard to stand on a soapbox and lecture people when you have a ... two-storey garage looming over you.''

The OMB is scheduled to hear the case next week.