The Ontario Science Centre celebrated a historic milestone on Sunday, welcoming its 50-millionth visitor.

An American family of four walked up to the counter and purchased their tickets, like everyone else, before being pulled aside and congratulated on the significance of their visit.

After their tour of the science centre, the Roy family said they could see why the facility has been such a popular attraction throughout its 46-year history.

“We saw all the wonderful things that this place has to offer and we knew the kids would really enjoy it,” said Wayne Roy, the father in the family of four.

Built in 1969, the provincially-funded facility was aimed at giving people a hands-on experience with science.

“With most museums, you can look but not touch,” said the centre’s CEO, Maurice Bitran. “This was a museum that said: ‘Touch, play with things, and learn by doing.’ ”

But technology has changed dramatically since 1969 and so have the challenges facing the Science Centre.

With the Internet offering everyone interactive experience from the comfort of their own homes, the centre’s success is under threat.

But Bitran says the Science Centre will find new ways of remaining a relevant and exciting place.

“I think it’s the interaction between the physical experience and the digital experience is what’s going to shape the science centre going forward.”

With a report from Colin D’Mello