Toronto and much of southern Ontario is in for another dose of freezing rain on Wednesday.

Environment Canada has issued a special weather statement, warning that freezing rain is “threatening” Wednesday night.

The weather event is expected to start in the afternoon as snow and “quickly change” to freezing rain by the evening.

“Freezing rain or freezing drizzle will then change to occasional rain or drizzle by Thursday morning as temperatures edge above the zero degree mark,” the federal weather agency said in its advisory.

Driving conditions could be hazardous, as the statement warned that “untreated surfaces may become icy and slippery.”

As of noon on Tuesday, an extreme cold weather alert issued by Toronto’s medical officer of health will be cancelled, as overnight wind chill values rise slightly to -14, which is just outside the threshold required for the alert.

The alert is put into effect to trigger the expansion of services for the city’s homeless.

On Wednesday, a high of -1 C is forecast, feeling like -8 in the afternoon.

Thursday will see a slight warm-up at 2 C and there could be a mix of flurries and rain showers as well.