HAMILTON - Hamilton police were able to double the charges after arresting two men who were riding on a single bike on Tuesday night.

Both men were arrested after police recognized one of them for being wanted on outstanding warrants.

Police also found the other male was breaching a previous court release.

The two were then charged in connection with the theft of a necklace from a 63-year-old woman near McQuesten Park earlier that afternoon.

Jacob Clairmont, 20, and Shawn Zabor, 28, of Hamilton, are facing various charges including robbery and failing to comply with a recognizance.

They were scheduled to appear in court for a bail hearing today.

Police say it's a breach of the Highway Traffic Act for two people to ride on one bike but that was not the reason the two men were arrested.

One of the men was seen riding on the handlebars while the other was pedalling.