NEWMARKET, Ontario - Melissa Styles paid tribute to her late husband Constable Garrett Styles in a letter to him at his memorial service in Newmarket, Ontario today.

Here is the text of the letter:

"Garrett, you were my first and only love. From the first time we went out, I knew we had something special beginning.

You didn't always know what to say and didn't try with empty words.

A hand squeeze or a hug let me know that you were there for me and I was loved.

You always knew what to say to make me laugh when I needed it.

The greatest gift you ever gave me was our two beautiful children.

Thank you so much for making me a mother and giving me something to hold on to now that you are gone.

They will be reminded every day how much you loved them.

You will be their first thought in the morning and their last thought at night.

You always were and will continue to be for me.

You were one of the lucky ones who got to be what they dreamed of growing up -- a police officer.

I know sometimes you became frustrated, but it was only because you cared so much about what you did. You did what you did well.

I was proud of you every day and I hope I told you that enough.

I know you wouldn't have wanted all this fuss. You never liked the limelight. I did this because you have honoured so many of your fallen brothers and sisters and I felt that you deserved the same.

We always told each other I love you to bits and pieces, and that has never been more true.

Right now I am in pieces but I will put myself back together for our children because I know that was what you would want me to do.

I'm not sure how I'm going to live in a world without you but I promise that I will find a way.

I love you. You are so loved."