TORONTO -- Mayor John Tory and Premier Doug Ford have both released video Easter messages in which they remind residents of the need to forgo large in-person family gatherings and celebrate separately in order to help limit the spread of COVID-19.

The messages were both released on Sunday morning as precautions related to COVID-19, including a ban on gatherings of five or more people, made for a significantly different Easter holiday for Ontarians.

“While Easter is normally a time to celebrate with family at church, to attend the beaches Easter parade, or take part in an Easter egg hunt – I know this year will be very different,” Tory said in his video message.

“Families are encouraged to celebrate Easter separately in their own homes to help stop the spread of COVID-19. I hope that families and friends will still take this opportunity to celebrate with one another through phone calls and video chats in their own homes.”

“This year, Easter celebrations will be different due to the pandemic,” Ford said in his message. “All but essential workers will need to stay home and practise physical distancing in order to help keep everyone safe and healthy. However, we can still enjoy a meal with those in our household and connect with loved ones by phone, email or video chat.”

Public health officials have previously warned residents to avoid any sort of Easter gatherings, except ones involving people that they already live with.

Similar warnings were also issued ahead of Passover earlier this week.

In his message, Tory said that Easter symbolizes “hope, renewal and love” for Christians, messages that he said are “especially powerful now, in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

He said that “while these are challenging times for all of us,” he said that he said that the city has an important role to play in “flattening the curve and defeating this virus.”

Ford, meanwhile, reminded children in Ontario that the Easter Bunny has been declared an essential worker and will still be able to deliver candy.

“The Easter Bunny will still be hopping about, while following the rules of physical distancing and avoiding public areas to keep us all protected and ensuring everyone can enjoy this special time,” he said.