It's not every day that a hospital will honour a newborn with a naming and tagging ceremony, but the latest addition to a species at risk will get just that Saturday morning.

Lakeridge Health is hosting the ceremony at 10 a.m. to celebrate the birth of a peregrine falcon.

Peregrine falcons usually nest on steep cliffs, but this time two falcons chose to nest on a hospital roof, which is one of the tallest buildings in Oshawa.

"Rare peregrine falcons have decided to set up their home on our roof, and have successfully delivered what is possibly the first addition to their family at the hospital’s Oshawa site," Lakeridge Health said in a statement on Friday.

Peregrine falcons are known for their high-speed dives to attack its prey, and can reach flight speeds of more than 320 km/h.

A hospital-wide naming contest will produce the name of the baby falcon.