Fire trucks called to extinguish a small apartment fire southwest of Lawrence Ave. and Yonge St. snared traffic in the area Saturday afternoon after emergency services reacted to a fire call in a high-density building.

Toronto Police Sgt. Scott James of 53 Division told that while the amalgamation of fire trucks, police cars and hazardous materials unit vehicles made the situation appear to be very serious, only one apartment unit in the brownstone building at 14 Chatsworth Drive had been damaged.

He said the unit's tenant has been sent to Sunnybrook Hospital to be inspected for signs of smoke inhalation.

"We called in quite a few in case it had spread to the other units," he said. "I'm happy to report that it did not."

Police and fire fighters were called to the scene around 1 p.m. Chatsworth Drive is one street south of Lawrence, running west from Yonge.