TORONTO -- All classes at a Woodbridge high school will be moved online for two weeks as several school staff are self-isolating following a possible exposure to COVID-19.

In a letter to parents, York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) said health officials investigated Father Bressani Catholic High School and found that the principal, vice principals, and other staff at the school’s main office may have been exposed to the virus.

“All main office staff are considered contacts of a case of COVID-19 and must stay home and self-isolate until December 18, 2020,” the YCDSB said.

“We recognize this information may be concerning and want to assure you we are working in partnership with public health to take all the appropriate steps for the health, safety and well-being of our school community.”

With the main office staff now at home, the board said it is impossible to operate the school safely. Thus, it has decided to move all classes to remote learning starting on Monday.

The YCDSB said all students and other staff are not considered close contacts of the case.

“Father Bressani CHS has worked diligently to implement strict public health measures within the school environment such as physical distancing of students and staff, increased hand hygiene, cohorting of

classrooms and the wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE) to reduce the risk of acquiring COVID-19,” the board said.

“These measures have reduced the chance of COVID-19 spreading from the staff member to your child.”