Toronto police have arrested 14 teenagers in connection with swarming robberies in the city's west end.

Police say 198 charges have been laid as a result of 15 robberies that took place between mid-July and August in the Christie-Pitts and Bloor and Dufferin Streets areas.

Most of the attacks occurred between 10 p.m. and 1 a.m.

The victims -- 27 in total -- were robbed of their personal belongings including identification, electronics and money.

"The property that was taken from the victims was mostly cell phones, iPods, laptops, basically anything of value," Det. Leslie Hildred said Wednesday during a press conference.

Investigators said some of the property was later discovered at local flea markets.

Police say some of the robberies escalated into violence with some victims suffering broken bones, cuts and bruises.

"They were searched, their purses were gone through, everything was dumped on the ground. Even if they were compliant, they were assaulted," Hildred said.

The identities of the 14 teenagers charged in connection with the swarmings are protected under the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

Police apprehended the youths after detectives showed year-book photos to some of the victims.

Sandra Beckles' 16-year-old son was robbed by the gang and had a gun put to his head while he was walking through Christie Pitts park earlier this summer.

"I was excited when I heard that they were caught, and not because I thought 'Oh great, these horrible people are being locked up.' My hope is that in being caught, it might be the eye opener, the thing that will wake them up so that they may say they can make a choice and that they don't have to live this kind of life," Beckles told CTV News on Wednesday.

All of the 14 teenagers are expected to appear in court on Thursday.

With a report from CTV's Austin Delaney