Laser projection lights have proven a popular decoration this holiday season, but thieves have started stealing the expensive fixtures from people’s front lawns.

The technology projects holiday-themed images onto the sides of people’s homes.

Generally, the lights cost between $100 and $250.

Allison and James Welsh said they paid $200 for their projection light.

“If it works and my husband doesn’t have to go outside and climb all over the house to put lights up -- this is just very simple,” said Allison.

But one morning, the Welshes found that their light had been stolen.

“Am I surprised? No. Disappointed? Yes,” Allison said.

“Stealing a Christmas light doesn’t benefit anybody,” James said. “Put on your lawn, but how good do you feel about using someone else’s that you stole?”

The Grinch-like activity comes at a time when surveillance cameras captured two instances of people stealing Christmas wreaths form people’s front doors in the Toronto area.

Police are seeking tips to find both suspects.

As for the lights, the Welshes say they haven’t lost their Christmas spirit, but they won’t be buying another one.

“Lesson learned. I don’t have the money to keep spending on those kinds of lights,” Allison said. “If it’s not nailed down, nowadays, things get taken.”

With a Consumer Alert from CTV Toronto’s Pat Foran