TORONTO - Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health says wireless Internet technology poses no threat to children in schools.

The comments from Dr. Arlene King come as a group of parents in central Ontario are urging their school board to ban Wi-Fi in schools over fears it's making their kids sick.

King says it's understandable that people are confused by the debate over the safety of Wi-Fi transmitters in schools, given the sometimes conflicting evidence.

However, King says people need to look at the weight of the literature on the topic, especially from authorities like the World Health Organization, which says exposure to Wi-Fi is safe.

The Ontario parents who have formed the Simcoe County Safe School Committee believe Wi-Fi transmitters in schools may be responsible for a host of symptoms their kids show -- from headaches to an inability to concentrate -- all of which disappear on weekends.

Health Canada says there is "no convincing scientific evidence" that Wi-Fi in schools is dangerous to children.