Toronto Public Health is warning people who ate at a restaurant in Scarborough on select dates over the last month that they may need to get tested for Hepatitis A.

The possible exposure occurred at the Cliffside Bistro at 2277 Kingston Road on July 21, July 25 to 29 and August 2 and 4.

“An employee of the restaurant has a confirmed case of hepatitis A,” Toronto Public Health said in a news release. “While the risk of getting the infection is low, individuals who visited this restaurant during these dates should watch for signs and symptoms and practice thorough hand washing.”

The health unit will also be holding a free vaccination clinic for anyone who consumed food at the bistro on August 2 and 4, as the vaccine is most effective if administered within 14 days of exposure.

“Those individuals who may have been exposed more than 14 days ago should watch for signs and symptoms and seek medical attention should any symptoms develop,” TPH said in their release.

Common symptoms of Hepatitis A include fever, tiredness, loss of appetite, nausea/vomiting, dark urine, stomach pains and jaundice (yellowing of the skin).

The virus can cause liver infection and the symptoms can last from several days to several months. The symptoms can begin anywhere from 15 to 50 days after infection, though some people who become infected do not display any symptoms.

According to TPH, most people who are infected completely recover.

Anyone concerned that they may have contracted the virus can contact Toronto Public Health at 416-338-7600 or speak with their doctor as soon as possible.

Those infected with the virus are advised to avoid handling or preparing food for others and to wash hands with soap and warm water frequently, especially after using the bathroom, changing a diaper or eating food.

The vaccination clinics will be held at the Scarborough Civic Centre rotunda on Aug. 15 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. and on Aug. 16 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.