Toronto residents want more parks and public spaces along Yonge Street, according to a new report.

The report, called "Yonge Love," was released by the Downtown Yonge Business Improvement Area on Wednesday. The BIA used the report to find out what residents want to see, as they plan for the central street's future.

The City of Toronto announced a revitalization project in 2014, spanning an area from the waterfront to Davenport Road. The report will be used to guide the project's priorities, the BIA said.

According to the report, people want "human-scale, walkable neighbourhoods," including wider sidewalks, more trees and an increase in events.

Nearly 600,000 people pass through the Downtown Yonge area every day, and 175,000 people live in the area, the report said.

In terms of businesses, those surveyed said they support some major retail chains, but that they'd like to see more artisanal and independent stores.

Some also suggested the BIA leave some areas vacant for pop-up galleries, markets and green space.

More than 2,000 people contributed to the Yonge Love campaign over social media, websites and pop-up polling stations. The full report can be read online.