Canada's New Democrat Party is calling for all trucks to be equipped with side guards to prevent more cyclist fatalities like the one that killed a pregnant Toronto woman last week.

Olivia Chow, the opposition NDP's transportation critic, will introduce a private member's bill Monday calling for the use of guards on all heavy trucks in the country. The NDP said the additional safety feature would prevent "vulnerable road-users from being trapped in the space between a truck's wheels."

Although not mandatory in Canada, the European Union has required this measure for more than two decades. Chow has been calling for the mandatory installation of these side guards since 2006.

"When it comes to creating safe roads for everyone, the Conservatives are dropping the ball. The government should start listening to more than just their industry friends," Chow said in a release. "One preventable death is one too many. It's time we did a better job protecting cyclists and pedestrians."

Chow's motion comes just days after 38-year-old cyclist Jenna Katherine Morrison died after being hit by a truck shortly before noon on Nov. 7. Police said it appeared the collision occurred as a truck and the cyclist both turned right from Sterling Road onto the westbound lanes of Dundas Street West.

Morrison was knocked under the vehicle and pushed under its rear tires.

Chow plans to introduce the private member's bill in Morrison's honour.

"New Democrats are urging the federal government to put the safety of pedestrians and cyclists first," said Chow. "This is a common sense measure that can save lives."

Ontario's Chief Coroner said last month that the province will review cycling deaths across the province over the last four years amid growing concern over bicycle safety. Between 15 and 20 cyclists die in Ontario alone each year from injuries suffered on their bikes.