TORONTO -- Toronto’s top doctor is encouraging residents to find creative ways to virtually celebrate Mother’s Day this weekend.

Dr. Eileen de Villa, Toronto’s medical officer of health, said Friday that she knows that many will find it difficult not to visit their families this weekend, but people should continue to practice physical distancing while celebrating the special day to avoid the spread of the virus.

“For me, I plan on ordering local takeout and dropping some off to my mom,” she said. “And then we’ll enjoy Mother’s Day brunch with her virtually over FaceTime.”

Mayor John Tory said physical distancing should be part of people’s plans this weekend.

“I know it’s been hard for so many people, myself included, who haven’t been able to physically give a hug to their moms over the course of this health emergency,” Tory said.

“If you’d ask me six weeks ago if I thought that I would be engaged in Zoom calls with my mother online, I would have said that was a highly unlikely proposition, but it has happened.”

Toronto reported 180 new COVID-19 infections on Friday, bringing the city’s total to 7,114.

Of those, 4,717 have recovered, while 532 have died.

De Villa also spent time during the city’s daily briefing Friday to acknowledge all health-care workers battling the virus.

“First, I would like to extend a special thank you to every person in our community who is working hard to keep our city clean during this pandemic whether you’re working in a hospital, shelter, long-term care home on public transit, or in a grocery store. On behalf of my team and our whole city, thank you for your dedication,” de Villa said.

Throughout the pandemic, she said, she has witnessed quiet acts of leadership and small and large acts of kindness.

“We’ve witnessed our city coming together and people supporting each other during these very difficult and unprecedented times.”