Three aspiring firefighters found their home on fire and their rescue skills being put to the test early Friday morning in Toronto.

A fire erupted at a house at 566 Spadina Cres., north of College Street around 1 a.m.

The three men who live in the house - and are taking the firefighting course at Seneca College - sprang into action, rescuing a woman who was trapped in a room by smoke and flames.

The trio followed their training and worked quickly to save their neighbour.

"We were just telling her that help's on the way," a man identified only as Eric said.

"Justin was already on the phone with 911 (and) I was trying to get her through the window. At that point we didn't know she had a balcony. We thought the only escape she had was through the window right beside the fire."

They were successful getting the trapped woman to safety and then help police and firefighters as they arrived on the scene.

Their efforts were applauded by the city's full-time rescuers.

"They were making attempts to rescue this female before we got here and they assisted the officers as well once we arrived," police Sgt. Justin Vanderheyden said.

District Fire Chief Peter Rose said the students will "probably be recommended for a citation."

The unidentified woman they helped rescue suffered only smoke inhalation and minor injuries. All other residents of the house escaped safely. Working smoke alarms inside the building are being credited with helping alert residents to the danger.

Damage from the fire is estimated to be about $20,000.  Careless smoking was blamed for sparking the blaze.

With a report from CTV's Jim Junkin