If you are worried about wasting food and the impact it has on the environment -- and your wallet -- you are not alone. One third of all food produced globally is thrown out.
Love Food Hate Waste Canada, a behavioural-change campaign aimed to reduce Canadians’ avoidable waste, kicked off this week in Toronto.
By working with businesses, governments and community groups across Canada, the campaign aims to inspire and empower people through social media to make their food go further.
Wasted food “is costing the average household over $1,100 a year,” Coun. James Pasternak (Ward 6 York Centre) said in a statement. “We all must work together to better plan, store and consume the food we buy so we can reduce the amount of food waste being thrown away.”
According to a 2017 report from the National Zero Waste Council, 63 per cent of food thrown away by Canadians could have been eaten. By weight, most of that wasted food was vegetables -- 30 per cent.
Coun. Mike Layton (Ward 11 University-Rosedale), a member of the Zero Waste Council, says the Love Food Hate Waste campaign “is a great step to help change the way we think about food and to learn to be creative with what we have so we waste less.”
Most Torontonians CTV spoke to were on board with the Love Food Hate Waste initiative.
"I try to be conscious about meal planning," said Nicole Aele.
Anne Lindsay said she tries to make the most out of one item: "From that one chicken that cost me $15, I had three meals," she said.