Dozens of communities across Canada will host women's marches today, a year after the historic rallies that coincided with Donald Trump's inauguration as U.S. president.

Organizers say they feel a sense of momentum they could not have predicted when they first took to the streets a year ago.

At that time, more than half a million women converged on the U.S. capital to protest Trump, whose remarks about women included boasts about sexual assault on a leaked recording.

Participants in the original marches say their fears about the incoming administration have materialized, but the cause they marched for may be further ahead than it was a year ago.

Activists including Sara Bingham of Women's March Canada point to the "Me Too" movement as one example of the way women's voices are being heard.

At least 38 communities across Canada will host marches, rallies or other events on the one-year anniversary of Trump's inauguration.