Toronto police are investigating two shootings in North York.

One occurred at 175 Toryork Dr., which is an industrial area just northwest of Finch Avenue West and Weston Road.

A passerby spotted a male person with a gunshot wound to the thigh lying in some grass near a restaurant at about 5:40 p.m.. The victim has been taken to hospital but is not co-operating with police.

The second occurred at a 2000 Sheppard Ave. W. apartment building, which is right near Jane Street and a few kilometres southeast of the first scene.

A teenaged resident of the building told that he heard five shots and that he believed the victim had been shot in the leg. Other reports suggest up to a dozen shots were fired.

He believed the victim lived in the building, but it wasn't someone either he or his parents knew personally.

The shooting took place in the lobby shortly after 6 p.m. There is at least one bullet hole in the glass of the front door. It isn't known if there was an exchange of gunfire between the assailant and the victim.

Police are reportedly looking for a Nissan Maxima or Altima in connection with this incident. It is either silver, white or grey in colour.

The vehicle was seen heading westbound on Sheppard.

The driver is described as a black male with an Afro-style haircut and wearing camoflauge-coloured clothing.

Police are considering the possibility the same man was involved in the Toryork shooting.

Both shootings took place in 31 Division, which runs from Lawrence Avenue West to Steeles Avenue, and from the Humber River east to the CN Railway line.

A third shooting occurred at about 8:30 p.m. at 180 Chalkfarm Dr., but no one was injured in that incident.

Police officer injured

An undercover officer suffered injuries when a suspect struck him in the head with a barbell.

The incident occurred about 10 p.m. in the Jane Street and Wilson Avenue area.

He turned up at 99 Mattson Rd. to arrest four men when a scuffle developed.

An ambulance took the officer from the scene. He was bleeding but conscious.