TORONTO -- Another Toronto-based long-term care home is reporting four new deaths due to COVID-19 and 43 total cases, including 11 staff members.

The Mon Sheong Home for the Aged reported on Monday night that 32 residents and 11 staff members have tested positive for the virus so far, and a total of eight people have died due to the virus.

The home, also known as D’Arcy Home, announced last week that it is suffering from a COVID-19 outbreak, and said it is working with Toronto Public Health to test residents. On Thursday, the home reported four deaths related to COVID-19. 

“Since staff members that have been confirmed positive or are unwell are required to isolate, staffing has become quite a challenge,” Stella Leung, a spokesperson for the Mon Sheong Long-Term Care Centres said in a news release Monday night.

“We are arranging for additional nursing staff to join us. As well, some retired nursing staff members have returned to help out.”

Leung said the home is also struggling with a limited inventory of personal protective equipment, and they are “hoping for generous donations from the community.”

“Mon Sheong Foundation appreciates the understanding and support of resident families during these difficult times,” the long-term care home said. “Mon Sheong Foundation will do everything they can to provide the best care for their residents.”

The organization said that public health also tested 64 other residents and 28 staff on April 11.

“While D’Arcy Home is awaiting results of tests, the staff members have daily contact with Toronto Public Health to monitor the situation,” the organization said.

“At the same time, staff members are separating ill residents from healthy residents to prevent infection.”

A COVID-19 hotline has also been created for family members of residents at the facility.

As of Monday, there were COVID-19 cases reported at 39 long-term care homes in Toronto.