By fall next year, TTC riders using a PRESTO card will be able to hop off along their route and do some errands before continuing on their way – all on a single fare.
On Tuesday, the TTC board approved a two-hour, time-based fare for PRESTO card users, to come into effect in August of 2018.
The move is part of a number of changes the TTC has been eyeing for some time as part of its project of modernizing the transit service. While time-based transfers have been proposed as early as 2005, a report by TTC staff said conditions are finally right to implement the change.
“Today, we are at a point in the implementation of PRESTO and Metrolinx has provided clarity on their step by step approach to regional fare integration. These developments coupled with the new, flexible mobility options creating a more competitive environment mean now is the right time to introduce a two-hour transfer policy on PRESTO,” the report says.
Currently, someone riding on a single TTC fare is required to pay a second fare if they get off a subway, bus or streetcar for a short time and then get back on.
The current system means that those who don’t have an unlimited monthly pass are discouraged from stepping off their ride, even to run a brief errand such as getting some groceries, dropping off a book at the library or picking up a package.
The time-based transfer will mean that people will have a two-hour window to stop at any location, before getting back on the TTC without having to pay again.
“The greatest benefit from this policy change stems from reducing the cost of transit, making it more affordable for multiple short distance trips, thereby giving TTC customers the flexibility they require to carryout everyday activities,” TTC staff said in their report.
The TTC estimates the policy will add five million customer trips per year.
TTC staff estimate the change will cost $11.1 million to implement for part of 2018 and will cost roughly $21 million per year to implement year-round going forward.
The staff report approved by the board today also called for increased off-peak service to support the higher ridership expected because of time-based transfers.
In addition to increasing off-peak trips, the TTC expects that the change will improve customer experience as well, as riders will be able to re-enter stations or vehicles if they exit at the wrong location.