TORONTO - The parents of a baby at the centre of a transplant drama at a Toronto hospital this spring say they're going to be parents again.

J.P. Pampena, a spokesman for the couple, says Jason Wallace and Crystal Vitelli are expecting another baby in about seven months.

Their first-born became known as Baby Kaylee back in April when her parents -- fearing she would soon die of a rare genetic condition -- offered her heart to another sick infant.

Kaylee rallied and her parents took her home, but Pampena says she's back in hospital again after suffering multiple seizure episodes.

Kaylee suffers from Joubert syndrome, a malformation of the brain and brain stem accompanied by frequently interrupted breathing.

Her family wants an MRI procedure done to help determine the cause of the seizures but doctors say it's too risky for the girl, since anesthesia would be needed.

Pampena says the girl's father is prepared to take her to the United States for the MRI if doctors in Canada refuse to do it.

The parents are also prepared for the chance Kaylee might not get the chance to be a big sister, the spokesman said.

"This is bittersweet news for a family that is dealing with the daily challenges of their daughter Kaylee's very serious medical condition," Pampena said in an email Wednesday.