A spokesperson for the parents of Baby Kaylee Vitelli says the little girl is in very critical condition at Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children and they have been advised to prepare for the worst.

"The family will be meeting later today with Kaylee’s doctors to discuss her prognosis." J.P. Pampena said early Wednesday afternoon in a news release.

"However, the family reports that they have been advised by doctors that this latest seizure episode has caused more neurological damage to her brain but to what extent won’t be known until Baby Kaylee undergoes tests later today."

A hospital spokesperson told ctvtoronto.ca that they do not have consent to release information about Kaylee.

On Tuesday, Kaylee had been out for a walk with her mother in their hometown of Bradford when she started shaking uncontrollably.

Kaylee was taken first to Southlake hospital in nearby Newmarket. She was placed in the intensive care unit as she could no longer breathe on her own, but her condition continued to deteriorate, Pampena said.

As a result, doctors had her airlifted to SickKids, he said.

Kaylee came to the public's attention almost a year ago.

The little girl suffers from Joubert syndrome. The rare condition affects her ability to breathe when she falls asleep.

In April 2009, Kaylee's parents -- Jason Wallace and Crystal Vitelli -- wanted her taken off life support and her heart donated to another child in need.

However, when she continued breathing on her own after being taken off assistance, doctors called off the surgery and said she was no longer a transplant candidate at that time.

As the drama dragged on, relations between the hospital and the family worsened. At one point, the hospital had Wallace removed from the premises.

In mid-May 2009, Kaylee left hospital in a limousine and received a helicopter ride to Bradford where her grandparents live.

However, her medical problems are chronic and she has occasionally required hospital care.