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Here's the best way to see the meteor shower in Toronto

Meteor shower. Source: Frank Flourian Meteor shower. Source: Frank Flourian

The Orionid meteor shower peaked early Friday morning, but Torontonians may still be able to catch a glimpse this weekend.

Dr. Jesse Rogerson, astrophysicist and assistant professor at York University, explained to CTV News Toronto the Orionids is one of the “bigger” meteor showers in October.

The Orionids come from a trail of dust particles left behind from Halley’s comet, which circles the sun once every 76 years – “and we plunge through [the dust trail] at the same time every year.”

This particular meteor shower usually peaks in late October, and this year, Rogerson says that'll be on Friday, Oct. 21 at around two or three in the morning. Though he adds you will still be able to view them before then.

At its peak, there will be about 20 meteors per hour or “one every five minutes or so”, according to Rogerson.

In comparison, Rogerson says the biggest meteor showers bring about 60 to 100 meteors per hour, which is about one per minute. The Perseids, which are seen in August, has about 120 meteors per hour.


“So, from the perspective of the (Greater Toronto Area), the best viewing is done when the constellation of Orion is high in the sky, and that doesn’t occur until like two or three in the morning,” Rogerson said.

Since the peak lasts for about twelve hours, stargazers can still see the meteors dash across the night – so long as the sky is clear.

According to Environment Canada, the weather forecast in Toronto for Thursday night leading into Friday morning is calling for a 60 per cent chance of rain and 1 C.

Those planning on viewing the Orionids will also need to give their eyes some time to adjust to the night sky.

“Your eyes need like 15 or 20 minutes to adjust to the darkness before they can really pick up the dim streaks of light,” Rogerson said.


“No,” Rogerson said. “I find that that actually hinders the experience.”

Since it is hard to tell where exactly the meteors will shoot from, Rogerson says using a telescope or binoculars will narrow your view and you will likely miss most of them.

“What you want to do is have as big [of] a view of the sky as possible, like sitting back on a chair or on the ground lying back, and just looking up and letting your eyes wait for the thing to move through the sky,” he said.


Since the GTA is “just one big giant light bubble”, Rogerson recommends getting out of the city to view the Orionids.

“The farther you can get out of the light bubble, the better,” he said, adding 20 to 30 minutes out of the city is a good start.

Those who try to stay within the city limits will be at a disadvantage.

“If you’re doing it in the middle of the light bubble, you might only catch like five or six of them because you only really see the bright ones,” Rogerson said. 

Stargazers who are up for a road-trip a few hours out of Toronto can make their way to one of the province's dark-sky preserves either at Torrance Barrens Dark-Sky Preserve, Bruce Peninsula and Point Pelee national parks, or at Fathom Five National Marine Park. Top Stories

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