An extreme cold weather alert that had been in effect for the city will be terminated as of noon but the frigid temperatures aren’t exactly set to disappear.

Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa opted to terminate the alert after one day due to slightly milder conditions that are in the forecast.

Environment Canada says that the temperature will hit a daytime high of – 3 C later this afternoon but the wind chill will still make it feel like – 9. Tonight, the temperature will drop to – 10 C and the wind chill will make it feel like – 14.

Daytime highs of – 4 C are then called for on Sunday and Monday.

Extreme cold weather alerts are issued whenever Environment Canada is forecasting a temperature of of -15 C or colder, or a wind chill of -20 or colder.

The alerts trigger a number of additional services for the homeless, including enhanced street outreach and the opening of a warming centre at Metro Hall.

The city has been under an extreme cold weather alert for 17 days so far in 2019.