Drake made an appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show on Wednesday afternoon and was pranked by the host in true Ellen fashion. During the interview with Toronto's favourite rapper, a person jumped out at him, scaring the rapper and prompting even more Drake memes to be created.
Drake discussed his recent appearance on Saturday Night Live where he sang, in a playful tone, about how he didn't appreciate constantly being turned into a meme.
As the interview went on, Ellen asked about the success of his new album, Views, and the waterfall of memes that has come with the release of the album cover. A number of websites have even been created so anyone can make Drake memes.
Ellen asked fans to create their own memes with the hashtag #MakeADrake using an image of Drake being spooked on Wednesday's show.
#MakeADrake! Make a meme of this photo & post w/ the hashtag. If I show it on my show, I’ll send you some underwear! pic.twitter.com/4FlNiF9H07
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) May 18, 2016
@TheEllenShow @andylassner @jeannieeeee @pommyrantz #MakeADrake pic.twitter.com/StYwuBamdJ
— Jackie Browne (@jackiecjbrowne) May 18, 2016
The new Instagram logo got me like... #MAKEADRAKE pic.twitter.com/h1kCwrvdll
— ✵MatthewPTX✵ *7* (@mattquijano29) May 18, 2016
@TheEllenShow #MakeADrake pic.twitter.com/eqI284jR6R
— maya (@MayaBennyy) May 18, 2016
#MakeADrake @TheEllenShow pic.twitter.com/2J88vY8HM8
— IatnodTtenrab (@IatnodTtenrab) May 18, 2016
what Meek Mill dreams of at night #MakeADrake pic.twitter.com/P7FX11L4Bd
— Andrew J. Windsor II (@AndrewWindsorII) May 18, 2016
#MakeADrake @TheEllenShow pic.twitter.com/mytH58Og4Y
— Cheyenne Woods (@cheychy85) May 18, 2016
@TheEllenShow #MakeADrake pic.twitter.com/NkDu5AIOUn
— DJ NSC (@DJ_NSC75) May 18, 2016