The halls of the Ontario Legislature will be guarded by armed constables starting later this month.

An armed response unit will be deployed at Queen's Park starting Monday, March 21, according to a memo obtained by CTV Toronto's Paul Bliss on Thursday.

"This unit will consist of a number of current Officers of the Legislative Security Service who will be equipped with holstered handguns and stationed throughout the Parliamentary Precinct," the memo issued by Speaker Dave Levac said.

The decision to employ armed constables at Queen's Park was made in the days following a fatal shooting at Parliament Hill in Ottawa, in October 2014.

Levac wrote that several changes have been made since the shooting in an attempt to keep Queen's Park safe.

"I am sure that all will agree the security practices now in place are appropriate to the stature and nature of the Legislative Assembly, and are similar to what we have come to expect, and normally encounter, at public buildings and spaces wherever we go," he wrote.