The news team sent each of the four major party leaders a list of 20 questions in an effort to help you, the voter, get to know them better. We asked about their favourite foods, their celebrity crushes and which of Ontario's NHL teams they support. Here is what Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner had to say:

What is your middle name? John

Do you have a nickname? No

Which politician, living or dead, do you most identify with and why? Tommy Douglas. We both grew up on the Prairies and are part of building a new political party to address the major challenges of our time. I admire his ability to balance budgets while implementing important social programs, especially medicare, to improve people's lives in a way that did not transfer the financial burden to future generations. I've issued a challenge to myself to attempt to speak with the clarity of purpose that he did.

Who is the love of your life? Sandy Welsh, my best friend and wife for 15 years. My two daughters Isabelle and Beata.

What was your first job? I started my own lawn-mowing business when I was 9 years old. My dad and mom loaned me the money to finance it, and I paid them back with interest.

What is your favourite movie? Ever since I was a kid, I always loved the first Star Wars trilogy. And every year at Christmas, my family watches A Christmas Story: "you'll shoot your eye out!" My mom always worried about my bb gun, but I never did shoot my eye out.

What was the last book you read? I usually have a couple of books on the go, one fiction, one non-fiction. Ian Rankin, Exit Music and Randall White, A History of Ontario 1610 - 1985

What is your favourite comfort food? Chips and salsa

How do you like to unwind from a busy day? Cook dinner for my family while enjoying a craft beer or a glass of VQA wine.

What is your hidden talent? Slalom waterskiing. My kids are amazed at my dislocated finger -- it makes them squeal every time, and my wife can't even look.

Who is your celebrity crush? I have always thought my wife Sandy was a super star so I would have to say she is my celebrity crush. And I must admit that she rolled her eyes when looking at this answer.

What profession would you most like to try and why? Vintner. I would love to grow my own grapes to make wine.

What is your favourite app? Twitter

Cats or dogs? Dogs. Unfortunately I am allergic to cats.

The Beatles or the Rolling Stones? Beatles

Coffee or tea? Coffee, Fair Trade organic, black and strong.

Beer or wine? Both, as long as they are local.

Three downs or four? I was raised four but since becoming a Canadian I have to say I prefer three.

Senators or Maple Leafs? Leafs

Who would play you in a movie of your life? Michael J. Fox